There is indeed an unconventional aura that is associated with knowledgeable individuals. They most certainly can’t indulge themselves in some unscrupulous manner or actions. This piece attempts or seeks to abreast us on the importance and the numerous advantage of the colour ‘black’.
It’s amazing how the sense of fashion has been grossly misappropriated in this 21st century. Whenever a thing is frivolously done without practical, logical and intellectual reasons, it becomes disastrous.
The trend in our world today for both ladies and guys is what we call ‘bleaching’. This is because of the erroneous notion that it increases or augments one’s look. A quick exposition that I’d like folks out there to grasp is that bleaching corrodes or wears out the epidermis which is suppose to be the protective outer layer of our skin, it is actually our first line of defence.
To further intimate you on the danger of bleaching, I would have to trash melanin and epidermis briefly.
Melanin is a pigment that’s created by cells called melanocytes within the skin of most animals as well as humans. This pigment comes in varying shades, depending on the genetic makeup of the individual. Individuals who are exposed to UV light such as sun will produce more melanin for protection. JOHN WILLIAMS.
Epidermis forms a highly effective barrier against germs and the pores on it help secretes waste from our body. WENDY MCDOUGAL.
I believe something is going through your mind right now right?
It, therefore, means that Africans have more of this melanin. This is because of our genetic makeup which we inherited from our forefathers that has to do with our cultures and ethnicities as well as the excess ultraviolet light from the sun which is an African climate trait.
Having said this, why then do blacks endanger themselves by altering the complexion of their default skin in the name of fashion? You should know by now that people out there are envious of the black complexion because it can’t be bought from the market, it is original. Here is the bitter truth, those ladies and guys out there, that are bent on altering their complexions have got issues with complex, I mean inferiority complex. Else why alter your dope skin. Do you want to live your life base on people’s validation? That my friend is slavery.
Note that your complexion was given to you so it could suit your personality, background and physical appearance for the sake of adaptability and safety. In case you don’t know, exposure to UV radiation could cause damage to the DNA in the integument, this could happen when the production of melanin is less, also the absence of melanin could cause skin cancers such as melanoma.
The reason why I had to go through the trouble of highlighting all the above facts is to bring to our notice that bleaching makes the human epidermis gullible to attacks from germs, it causes skin cancer and gives the body some kind of an unappealing odour. In the event of an injury of sought, stitching becomes difficult as well as healing. This is because bleaching affects the melanocytes which are cells responsible for producing melanin and the epidermis has lost its functionality too. Have you ever ask yourself why it is challenging for albinos to stay under the sun? It is because albinism is as a result of a genetic inability to produce melanin. How about vitiligo? It also has to do with a progressive of melanocytes hence affecting melanin production. I need no sorcerer to discern that you wouldn’t want the two above conditions for yourself, its okay if you were born that way, but I know you weren’t what you craved for is to be invoked, but I need you to know that bleaching rubs you of your originality. The fact that it is trending doesn’t mean you should be a part of it, besides there is beauty in embracing your uniqueness in order not to be lost in the crowd. “You are an original don’t die a copy” – John Mason.
Are you bothered that when you find yourself in the white man nation, you will not be appreciated? I tell you the truth and I lie not, just concentrate on enthusiastically and intentionally building yourself and stand out in your sphere of influence and let’s see if they won’t comb nukes and crannies to look for you and beg for your service. “Competence is a deterrent for racism” – Dr Karis E. Amehwealth.
Is it insecurity of getting a spouse that wants to make you bleach? Don’t get it twisted or worry yourself, just calm down because there is a guy or a lady out there who loves you just the way you are. Do you want to go into pageantry? It’s no big deal, black is super dope; you are the perfect contestant. Just go get the trophy. The idea of this piece is not to be disdainful, judgmental or even sound derogatory in any way or to say the least inappreciative of people with albinism or vitiligo, I’ve gained too much exposure to do that. But my goal is to elicit that innate confidence from within you, so you could be grateful to your creator for being black and tell yourself consistently, unintimidated that black is the best complexion that there is.
It is pertinent that I make this quickly known to us, for those that are bleaching, there comes a time when their body becomes immune to all the creams and their looks becomes darker than their original colour because they would have meted out a whole lot of damage to the melanin in their system and sadly, they begin to regret their previous act, because at this stage you become an irritant to yourself and others around you, that comment such as you are shinning or you look hot would have dissipated into thin air, be wise and proud of your skin colour. Black compliments white never forget that.
I will conclude on this note, black is the complexion that spices up life and makes the human race scintillating, the last time anyone tries to make an enquiry on the complexion black, tell him or her that BLACK IS DOPE
The trend in our world today for both ladies and guys is what we call ‘bleaching’. This is because of the erroneous notion that it increases or augments one’s look. A quick exposition that I’d like folks out there to grasp is that bleaching corrodes or wears out the epidermis which is suppose to be the protective outer layer of our skin, it is actually our first line of defence.
To further intimate you on the danger of bleaching, I would have to trash melanin and epidermis briefly.
Melanin is a pigment that’s created by cells called melanocytes within the skin of most animals as well as humans. This pigment comes in varying shades, depending on the genetic makeup of the individual. Individuals who are exposed to UV light such as sun will produce more melanin for protection. JOHN WILLIAMS.
Epidermis forms a highly effective barrier against germs and the pores on it help secretes waste from our body. WENDY MCDOUGAL.
I believe something is going through your mind right now right?
It, therefore, means that Africans have more of this melanin. This is because of our genetic makeup which we inherited from our forefathers that has to do with our cultures and ethnicities as well as the excess ultraviolet light from the sun which is an African climate trait.
Having said this, why then do blacks endanger themselves by altering the complexion of their default skin in the name of fashion? You should know by now that people out there are envious of the black complexion because it can’t be bought from the market, it is original. Here is the bitter truth, those ladies and guys out there, that are bent on altering their complexions have got issues with complex, I mean inferiority complex. Else why alter your dope skin. Do you want to live your life base on people’s validation? That my friend is slavery.
Note that your complexion was given to you so it could suit your personality, background and physical appearance for the sake of adaptability and safety. In case you don’t know, exposure to UV radiation could cause damage to the DNA in the integument, this could happen when the production of melanin is less, also the absence of melanin could cause skin cancers such as melanoma.
The reason why I had to go through the trouble of highlighting all the above facts is to bring to our notice that bleaching makes the human epidermis gullible to attacks from germs, it causes skin cancer and gives the body some kind of an unappealing odour. In the event of an injury of sought, stitching becomes difficult as well as healing. This is because bleaching affects the melanocytes which are cells responsible for producing melanin and the epidermis has lost its functionality too. Have you ever ask yourself why it is challenging for albinos to stay under the sun? It is because albinism is as a result of a genetic inability to produce melanin. How about vitiligo? It also has to do with a progressive of melanocytes hence affecting melanin production. I need no sorcerer to discern that you wouldn’t want the two above conditions for yourself, its okay if you were born that way, but I know you weren’t what you craved for is to be invoked, but I need you to know that bleaching rubs you of your originality. The fact that it is trending doesn’t mean you should be a part of it, besides there is beauty in embracing your uniqueness in order not to be lost in the crowd. “You are an original don’t die a copy” – John Mason.
Are you bothered that when you find yourself in the white man nation, you will not be appreciated? I tell you the truth and I lie not, just concentrate on enthusiastically and intentionally building yourself and stand out in your sphere of influence and let’s see if they won’t comb nukes and crannies to look for you and beg for your service. “Competence is a deterrent for racism” – Dr Karis E. Amehwealth.
Is it insecurity of getting a spouse that wants to make you bleach? Don’t get it twisted or worry yourself, just calm down because there is a guy or a lady out there who loves you just the way you are. Do you want to go into pageantry? It’s no big deal, black is super dope; you are the perfect contestant. Just go get the trophy. The idea of this piece is not to be disdainful, judgmental or even sound derogatory in any way or to say the least inappreciative of people with albinism or vitiligo, I’ve gained too much exposure to do that. But my goal is to elicit that innate confidence from within you, so you could be grateful to your creator for being black and tell yourself consistently, unintimidated that black is the best complexion that there is.
It is pertinent that I make this quickly known to us, for those that are bleaching, there comes a time when their body becomes immune to all the creams and their looks becomes darker than their original colour because they would have meted out a whole lot of damage to the melanin in their system and sadly, they begin to regret their previous act, because at this stage you become an irritant to yourself and others around you, that comment such as you are shinning or you look hot would have dissipated into thin air, be wise and proud of your skin colour. Black compliments white never forget that.
I will conclude on this note, black is the complexion that spices up life and makes the human race scintillating, the last time anyone tries to make an enquiry on the complexion black, tell him or her that BLACK IS DOPE
What are your thoughts?