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Home » The Guy Mammon (by Ndifon Astcey)

The Guy Mammon (by Ndifon Astcey)

by John Ocholi
Permit me to indulge you expeditiously as I unveil ‘Mammon’ unto you.
Etymologically, Mammon in the mid-14 century from late Latin stems from the word Mammona, from ecclesiastical Greek Mamonas and from Aramaic Mamona. What it means from all of the above languages is a personification of riches. In simple terms, Mammon means wealth.
It would interest you to know that the medieval Christian named or regarded to Mammon as a demon who leads men to covetousness.
Just to bring it home, the emphasis of this piece is MONEY, after all, that is what Mammon is, and we all can identify with it.
Mammon has the tendency of enslaving an entity, little wonder the saviour of mankind (Jesus Christ) addressed the subject in Matthew 6:24 and Luke 6:9-13. The subject matter is so strong that it was used to equate God in Jesus’s analogy. “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate one and love another; or else he will hold to the one, and dispose of the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon (KJV)”; other versions used ‘money’.
Is money bad? The answer is capital NO!
This is because the scripture clearly points out that “money answereth all things”(Eccl. 10:19b). The creator of the universe wants you and I to “live in good health and to prosper”(3 Jn.1:2). But we’ve been cautioned about the love of money being the root of all evil. (1 Tim. 6:10).
I deemed it fit to lay this background so I could buttress further as to why some have “seared their conscience”(1 Tim.4:2) in the pursuit for money. I’m of the opinion that one of the greatest causes of moral decadence or lack of rectitude and decorum is the obsession of people towards money.
Money (Mammon) makes the world go round. But it’s got some formulae.
  • Discover your purpose and stay consistently on it as you chart your course in life. How then does one discover his/her purpose? Ask your creator (God). A life driven by purpose gravitates money (Mammon) to himself or herself. Make Mammon subservient (slave) to you by leading a purposeful life.
  • Solve a problem and add value to humanity. Mammon beckons on solution providers helplessly and ceaselessly. Embark on a thorough analogy on the moguls, technocrats, wealthiest, etc. of the world today and I bet you, you’ll affirm this fact. The joy of this point is that inherent in every being lies deposits of potentials, all that is required is self-belief and capacity development.
  • Money is created by man. What this implies is that money moves in circles, all you need to do is get into the circle. How then does one get into the circle? Through marriage, inheritance, exposed schools and associations (relationships).
The creator of mankind intended for mankind to be super rich with all of our values intact. It is utterly possible to command stupendous wealth here on earth and make heaven. See Eph. 1:3.Ps.24:1-3.
Friends have become enemies, murder cases everywhere, shenanigans here and there, sharp practices and predominantly corruption as well as a diminished level of trust.
In conclusion, until men come to the realization of the fact that money is not everything, and embrace ‘the way’ (Jn 14:6) that is the saviour of the world (Jesus) and seek God’s face continually (Matth.6:33), the guy Mammon will continue to wreak havoc. Mammon is subduable, just get the requisite wisdom and knowledge and cultivate the fear of God.

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